Vag Kkl Software Free Download

K-Line VAG K+CAN Commander support full Diagnostic via CAN-und Special-Function via K-Line. Install the USB drivers for the vag k+can commander USB diagnose interface. Verify the port settings. Download and install the vag k+can commander software. Configure and run Vag k line + can commander software. VAG KKL 409.1 is China obd 409.1 KKL USB cable. VAG-COM 409.1 KKL have the functions of a factory VAG-1551 or VAG-1552 scan tool and more. Need free download link for Vagcom 409.1 KKL USB Software?

Current Version

VCDS-Lite for all 3rd party and 'Dumb' Interfaces on 2005 or older VAG cars

VCDS-Lite is Copyright 2012 by Ross-Tech LLC / Uwe M. Ross. All rights are reserved.
De-compilation, disassembly, reverse-engineering, alteration, use as a reference tool for the purpose of developing a product with similar functionality, and re-distribution in any form without the prior written consent of the author is prohibited.
The unregistered shareware version of VCDS-Lite is free for non-commercial use
, but no support of any kind is available. Use in a commercial environment requires registration.

By downloading this software, you acknowledge that this Program is provided 'as is' and 'with all faults, defects and errors' and that all use of the Program is at your own full risk. It has been extensively tested, but we cannot guarantee it will work correctly with every system in every car. We will make our best effort to fix any bugs and to enhance the program, but we specifically disclaim any liability for damage to your computer or your car, and we do not promise to have any particular enhancements available on any specific date.


  • If you have a HEX, KEY, KII, or Micro-CAN interface, you're on the wrong page. Please go here instead.

  • Download the self-installing distribution file.

  • Run it and follow the prompts to allow it to install itself.

  • You must install VCDS-Lite on your PC's hard disk! It will not work properly if you try running it directly from a floppy or CD. However, you can use a floppy or CD to move the distribution file from a PC with internet access to another PC that does not have internet access.

  • Connect an appropriate interface between the computer and the car. Acdsee 3.1 serial number. Ross-Tech does not supply interfaces for VCDS-Lite. VCDS-Lite works with some of our old interfaces from many years ago, as well as many 3rd-party interfaces.

  • Turn the car's ignition switch ON. No need to start the engine.

  • Start the VCDS-Lite program:

    • Click [Options] and select the correct communicationsport.

    • Use [Test] to confirm that the program can use the port and find the interface.

    • Then [Save].

  • Wear on charging handle. Now Play. Make sure the software can reliably access all the control modules that it should in your car. See our Application Charts. Read Fault Codes from some modules.

  • In order to get access to some of the more advanced functions, will need to register and activate the software. The exact differences in functionality between the unregistered/shareware and registered/activated versions are summarized in this handy chart.

Note to registered users updating from older versions:

  • If you're updating from VCDS-Lite version 1.0 or 1.1 you should not need a new activation.
    Simply install VCDS-Lite in the same location and it should use your existing activation.

  • If you're upgrading from an older version such as VAG-COM version 311 or 409, you will need a new activation.

    • First, install the VCDS-Lite and test it thoroughly in shareware mode as described above.

    • Then go here and fill out the appropriate form - or buy a license if you don't have one yet.

Release Notes:

  • VCDS-Lite works with most 3rd-party 'Dumb K-Line' interfaces
    as well as the following ancient low-tech Ross-Tech Interfaces, the last of which we sold early in 2004:
    External crosshair v3. ISO-COM, FAST-COM, MAX-COM, BI-COM, TWIN-COM, and UNI-COM.

  • VCDS-Lite works with all standard versions of Windows, from Windows 95 though Window 10.
    Both 32-bit and 64-bit Windows builds work fine, but if you're using a 3rd-Party USB interface, keep in mind that it is your interface supplier's responsibility to provide a driver for his hardware.

  • VCDS-Lite does NOT work on Windows RT
    Windows RT runs on devices with ARM (instead of x86) CPUs and normal Windows programs like VCDS-Lite simply do not work on them.

  • The default installation folder is C:Ross-TechVCDS-Lite
    If allowed to install in the default location, it should not interfere with an existing Ross-Tech software on your PC.

  • To remove older versions, simply delete the shortcuts from your Start menu and Desktop and delete the old folders which are normally:
    C:VAG-COM or C:VAG-COM-Beta or C:Program FilesVAG-COM or C:Program FilesVAG-COM-Beta


VCDS-Lite Release 1.2
Published 19. November 2012

Digitally Signed, Self-Installing EXE File ~1.5MB
Includes the VC-Scope and TDI Timing Checker 'Plug-Ins'

Additional handy links:

Current VersionVCDS-Lite

VAG EEPROM Programmer 1.19g Functions:

Mileage correction
Reading the login from the immobilizer
Reset errors of SRS (Airbag)
Read and clear error codes

VAG EEPROM Programmer 1.19g Support Languages:


How to Use VAG EEPROM Programmer 1.19g:

  1. Open .bin file. Write EEprom (Encrypted). Hopefully this clears the error and you can continue.
  2. Set Newmode. In this mode, you can read SKC if you Read EEprom (Decrypted).
  3. Convert current mileage into kilometers. Enter in lower right box.
  4. Set Kilometer.
  5. Set Back to Adapted Again.
  6. Go through VCDS to adapt. SKC for new cluster is 01412.

VAG EEPROM Programmer v1.19 Compatible Interface:

VAG KKL Cable (Blue),USB to Serial is good too

Vag kkl 409.1 software, free download windows 10

VAG EEPROM Programmer 1.19g Free Download (free download link have been removed by owner)


Here is a tested 100% work version:VAG EEPROM Programmer V1.19g Tested 100% Work Version


VAG EEPROM Programmer v1.19 Customer Feedbacks:
Feedback 1:
Vag Eeprom programmer can Read K-Line no Can Cluster

Feedback 2:
Original VCDS interface not work with third party software.
Buy a cheap kkl interface from anywhere, will work.

Feedback 3:
kkl cabel and VAG EEPROM Programmer about OBD
…and my Audi A4 B5 Bj:1999 with 8D0919861F Odometer works perfectly.

Feedback 4:
VAG EEPROM Programmer 1.19G work with simple k-line adapter, with VDO cluster like passat b5, audi a6, vw golf 4 and other without CAN.

Feedback 5:
just tried on 2003 passat with can instrument 3B0 920 827
with cable :VCDS K+CAN V.12.12 german version -cable set to dumb mode
=>works like a charm

Feedback 6:
1U1919034J A4-KOMBIINSTR. VDO V22 skoda octavia 2000 – k-line works.


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Vag Kkl 409.1 software, free download

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